Thursday, March 27, 2008

Oh yeah!

Hello, just got back from Laundry.

Siti, Luc and I headed over there around 10 to watch One Buck Short perform.

oh yeah, it was awesome.

oh yeah, the lead singer is adorable.

and oh yeah, im in love with One Buck Short. <3<3

i drank hot chocolate tadi, and i burnt my tongue, badly! i think i'v lost all sense of taste.. sakit tau.. note to self: don't drink hot chocolate with a straw. bad idea.

Finally, the week is almost over. This has been one of the worst week iv ever had.. ever.. damn assignments and quiz, thanks for making my life miserable! though there is still more to come, im famazingly glad this week is over..

i shall post up pics from sunburst soon (now only wanna post ah sara? suka hati ok?)

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