Wednesday, June 2, 2010

I don't get it

Can someone enlighten me on why life is so hard complicated?

The only thing that's driving me to a pulling a white flag on life
is when everyone around me doesn't think i can do it

and it sometimes get a little overwhelming when some expects a little too much from me.

This morning my cousin called in the early hours of the morning
okay it was at 9 lah, still early.
and the last time she did that was when my uncle passed
I didn't bother picking up the call cuz i was just too sleepy
but it did run through my mind, hoping there was no other death
but 10 minutes later my brother came into the room and said our aunty passed.

If i had a penny for every time someone around me passes,
I would be blardy rich.

Back to my question, do let me know if you've got an answer for it
and no,
"because if life was easier people would take things for granted" 
is not an answer.

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