Monday, June 21, 2010

Biko toughen up

Ahhh, Father's Day
One of the many things we'd never be able to celebrate again
Birthdays, graduations and Hari Raya
Days like these are what we would look forward to celebrating

I'll always remember how you'd make a big breakfast for me on Valentines Day
because you'd say I was your Valentines.
I'll always remember how you'd get me the thing I want most each year for my birthday
I'll always remember how we'd look forward to the bazaars during Ramadhan
and we'll always end up buying more food then we could eat
I'll always remember how i'd make you a card every year when I was young for your bday
and i'd always end it with a "sorry! no present this year" because I was too young to go out by myself to buy you a present
I'll always remember when i was older, I bought you Missy Elliot's and Eminem's cd for your bday
and get a "YOUR DAD LISTENS TO EMINEM?" from my frens
(yeah my dad was cool that way)
I was really looking forward to you watching me graduate,
because everything I did to get to that point 
was for you

And it breaks my heart to know that we'll never get to celebrate any of these days anymore
we'll never have moments to share anymore


f a f a said...

I'm sorry :(
I cried when I read this.

Sara Liyana said...

aww faaa =(