Friday, March 6, 2009

Elevated & Rotated

4th March 2009
Jason Mraz

oh yea.


went with these beautiful people.
siti and dan had front seats. *jealous*
but loads of fun, amazing company ;)

one thing i loved, jason didnt keep us waiting
no opening act, barely an hour of waiting, he came out!




accidental over exposed but i like how it makes it look like he's on FAYER!
because ya know, his hot and all ;)


my personal fav photo of him

and guess what? his tee said "i heart malaysia"

in conclusion,
he is an amazing live performer!
amazingly cute
the lights memang kena ah
"a beautiful mess" was beautiful *tear*
loved how everyone sang along and stuff

BUT kurang feel la.
haha luc's right, we're so spoiled.
we're so used to being upfront where the magic happens
and this time, we were at the back, not really far back
but that's the farthest i have ever been in a concert
memang spoiled betul.

at one part, i loved what he said
"don't let your mind prevent you from having fun"

or something like that. lupa la =/

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