Saturday, October 31, 2009


Can't believe its been a year since the last halloween party!
So this year, we went as a rockstar group.
Since we didnt have name, i taught hey lets just name our band
The Rockketties
cuz im so original and stuff anyways.

props to fa for all the photos.
i think we flooded her memory card with our camwhoring.

The inflatable guitar was 8 bucks well spent. (y)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

After charissa's bday celebration at La Bodega, we decided to go to Tugu Negara, cuz we were just feeling SO patriotic on that particular day. Hah.

leaves falling photo = fail.

Daniel Johari Lebosse

200th post! iv got nothing meaningful to say.

well only i can't believe how much crap there is on this blog after going through the past posts.
crap or not im still lovin' it =)


imma dedicate this post to someone special.

Daniel Johari Lebosse
born on 23th October 2009

He has blue eyes, girl's are gonna go crazy for him

(siti, i changed it!)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Driving Malaysian Style

Driving Malaysian Style
by Heather Blair

"Note how the drivers hands are not actually on the wheel at all and it's the passenger who's steering."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cupcakes Galore!

Aren't they the cutest thing ever?
Besides the fact i tengah syok sendiri,
Im pretty proud with what Charissa and I manage to accomplish
Biting into the colorful cupcakes to find out what colors we got,
was the best part

Saturday, October 10, 2009

This post is dedicate to Charissa Chin


Yeap, its Charissa Chin Tsui Koon's Birthday.
and so she turns a year older.
21 only lah.

So babe, how does it feel to be 21?
lotsa love and prezzies i bet ;)

You're the person who understands my lame jokes
You're the person who layan my antics (i layan urs too, to be fair!)
You're the person who'd lie by the beach with me and watch the sky go by.

So my dear kawan sejati, don't change okay?
age is just a number.
cuz if not,
whose gonna laugh with me when we see someone in a car
emoing with elliot yamin's, I will wait for u?

I hope you'll have an uh-may-sing birthday!
with all the wonderful company (me) and delicious food and
piles of presents (not that it really matters) and
feel all the love from the people around you!



i almost forgot.




Monday, October 5, 2009

Siapa emo now eh?



wei wei tak malu doh makan
