Yeap, its Charissa Chin Tsui Koon's Birthday.
and so she turns a year older.
21 only lah.
So babe, how does it feel to be 21?
lotsa love and prezzies i bet ;)
You're the person who understands my lame jokes
You're the person who layan my antics (i layan urs too, to be fair!)
You're the person who'd lie by the beach with me and watch the sky go by.
So my dear kawan sejati, don't change okay?
age is just a number.
cuz if not,
whose gonna laugh with me when we see someone in a car
emoing with elliot yamin's, I will wait for u?
I hope you'll have an uh-may-sing birthday!
with all the wonderful company (me) and delicious food and
piles of presents (not that it really matters) and
feel all the love from the people around you!
i almost forgot.