Thursday, December 31, 2009

Electric City

I did it! Painted the city skyline above the bed.
always wanted one of those!

Monday, December 28, 2009


Im hungry.
and bored.

How was Christmas?
Any plans for the New Years?
Resolutions anyone?

Resolutions are so last century don't you think?
Straight As, lose weight, etc. Pfftt whats new eh?
You set them and then you never really reach them
I never really knew anyone who actually kept to their resolutions.

But i should set some goals i wanna achieve soon
i.e: thesis & practicum report (charissaaaaaa howww???)

im hungry and im rambling
but its okay.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Dust Collector

had them for way too long.
dust collector.
dust is indeed, my enemy.

I hate cleaning the room =(

Friday, December 11, 2009

Breaking Out The Madness

Hi =)
Exams are over. Freedom is finally here.
It still hasnt hit me yet that i'll have absolutely nothing to do.
But i know one thing that would keep me company during this hols!

Say Hello or Bonjour to my new babyyyy!
Think of all the possibilities :D

Besides that, in the past 2 weeks or was it 3,
celebrated 2 birthdays, 2 twenty firsts so ya know kena big deal ar

Happy Birthday Isabelle & Jess!!

Eh belle, why never post up pics one?
giler potong ar!

Conversation are always interesting with dem girls.
but that one thing is always the main topic

So i'm planning to go on a healthy regime this holiday.
Besides the fact i feel uber fat, i feel so unhealthy la.
There's always something that's constantly hurting.
So i need to go through this whole journey to feel healthy again.
so semangat.

Wish meh lucks

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Krispy Kreme Is Osum.

This is my friend, Charissa Chin.
She is 21 years old.
She loves doughnuts.
But if she had to choose, she would choose cookies over them.
However, she wore the Krisy Kreme hat all the way back home from work. (y)

So anyways, moving on.
Is it me or has the internet been really slow lately?
On the other hand, time is just moving really fast.
It feels like a battle to get through every single week
And by the end of the week, im maxed out.
A few days ago, i got offered to design an album cover.
I wont know who its for until i accept the job.

I painfully rejected the offer.

But the main reason was not because I didn't have time.
It was more to the I-dont-think-im-good-enough.
To think that because of such mentality,
i slammed the door in the face of opportunity when it came knocking.
To think of all the endless possibilities.

I want so badly for that mentality to change.
I want to do something about that.
I need to do something about that really.
 And that is what I shall do (y)

Monday, November 16, 2009

Raya is nothing without bunga api

I bugged fuz to get me some bunga api for Raya the other time.
because, without bunga api, Raya tak sah dowh.
I know this was way back, but i just remembered i had the pics

Breakfast at Chillax!

A week ago, a bunch of the MMS clan and Charissa (haha)
decided to have some breakfast at Chillax at the Wisma E&C building.
Woke up super duper early, sebab semangat nak makan breakfast (y)

Considering how hungry i was (and always will be, sigh) i headed straight to the counter to order me some chicken ham sandwich.

 omagawd im so hungry now.

Aliyyah got into some sandwhich action too.
She looks pretty happy with her tuna sandwich, as you can see.

Charissa stirring up her half-boiled egg mixture.
Prettyy intense eh.
And Lisa, "where art thou breakfast?"

 Jo's face lit up when her french toast came

 Aahhh look how satisfied Al is after finishin off her sandwich? as she's sippin' on her 3 layered tea

What do you do when you need to satisfy why your sugar craving?
order a chocolate cake ofcourse!

And that's Charissa's excited face when she's trying to tell me something exciting.
But that's besides the point.

So anyways,

Im lovin' how the environment there is so laid back.
Pretty awesome deco and ol' skool music playing at the background.
and when there's wifi, everyone's happy =)
i'm waiting to try that rocky road thingy ma bob.


Monday, November 9, 2009

Its calling out to me!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Big Yellow Taxi

Big Yellow Taxi

For some odd reason, yellow taxis were running around my mind.
so what the heck eh.

there's a little emptiness and loneliness that i get from it.
do u too?

Saturday, October 31, 2009


Can't believe its been a year since the last halloween party!
So this year, we went as a rockstar group.
Since we didnt have name, i taught hey lets just name our band
The Rockketties
cuz im so original and stuff anyways.

props to fa for all the photos.
i think we flooded her memory card with our camwhoring.

The inflatable guitar was 8 bucks well spent. (y)

Saturday, October 24, 2009

After charissa's bday celebration at La Bodega, we decided to go to Tugu Negara, cuz we were just feeling SO patriotic on that particular day. Hah.

leaves falling photo = fail.

Daniel Johari Lebosse

200th post! iv got nothing meaningful to say.

well only i can't believe how much crap there is on this blog after going through the past posts.
crap or not im still lovin' it =)


imma dedicate this post to someone special.

Daniel Johari Lebosse
born on 23th October 2009

He has blue eyes, girl's are gonna go crazy for him

(siti, i changed it!)

Friday, October 16, 2009

Driving Malaysian Style

Driving Malaysian Style
by Heather Blair

"Note how the drivers hands are not actually on the wheel at all and it's the passenger who's steering."

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Cupcakes Galore!

Aren't they the cutest thing ever?
Besides the fact i tengah syok sendiri,
Im pretty proud with what Charissa and I manage to accomplish
Biting into the colorful cupcakes to find out what colors we got,
was the best part

Saturday, October 10, 2009

This post is dedicate to Charissa Chin


Yeap, its Charissa Chin Tsui Koon's Birthday.
and so she turns a year older.
21 only lah.

So babe, how does it feel to be 21?
lotsa love and prezzies i bet ;)

You're the person who understands my lame jokes
You're the person who layan my antics (i layan urs too, to be fair!)
You're the person who'd lie by the beach with me and watch the sky go by.

So my dear kawan sejati, don't change okay?
age is just a number.
cuz if not,
whose gonna laugh with me when we see someone in a car
emoing with elliot yamin's, I will wait for u?

I hope you'll have an uh-may-sing birthday!
with all the wonderful company (me) and delicious food and
piles of presents (not that it really matters) and
feel all the love from the people around you!



i almost forgot.




Monday, October 5, 2009

Siapa emo now eh?



wei wei tak malu doh makan


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hari Raya


So if you guys think im tall, you have not met my family.
Besides my grandma, everyone is atleast, atleast a foot taller than me
I actually get made fun off because im the short one in the family!
boleh takk?!

Selamat Hari Raya Aiditfitri!
Maaf Zahir & Batin.
I apologize from the bottom of my heart for any hurtful words or actions
and everything else that may have offended anyone in any way.

we cool ok? (y)

so loike, raya wasnt as bad as i thought it would be.
its been years since we've had like a good family portrait
i love this pic

Sunday, September 6, 2009

we berbuka at sepang, goldcoast today
the beach, that's my place right there.
sunset, sand, water. (y)

and lately i've been thinking
I wanna be great at something
not just good at it, i want to be great at it!
i've never really been good/great at something
and its really starting to get to me
how do you go from being good to being great?

AND, i realized today i have not been listening to Jobros for AGES
this is not right.
not right at all.